IABEmazing Faculty!

Dr. Lanie Alejandro-Alejo (Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering 2020; Assistant Professor, Isabela State University), Dr. Victor B. Ella, Dr. Rubenito M. Lampayan, and Dr. Aurelio A. Delos Reyes Jr. was awarded the 2022 DOST-PCARRD’s Dr. Elvira O. Tan Award for their Outstanding Published Paper in Natural Resources and Environment Category.
The award was received by Dr. Alejo, given during the 50th PCAARRD Founding Anniversary Celebration on 10 November 2022.

IABEmazing Faculty!

Dr. Rosanna Marie C. Amongo, AMPED Professor and the Dean of the College of Engineering and Agroindustrial Technolgy (CEAT), UPLB was distinguished at the 10th PFPA Distinction Awards 2023 for Academe and Research Development Category.

Congratulations, Dean Amongo!

IABEmazing Faculty!

IABE Director, Dr. Roger A. Luyun Jr. was awarded during the 19th PSABE IV-A Regional Convention last February 10, 2023 as an Outstanding Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer in Region IV-A.

Congratulations, Dr. Roger!

The BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering program of CEAT is one of the nine recipients of CHED Center of Excellence in UPLB.

Most Outstanding Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer

Congratulatins to our Dean, Dr. Rossana Marie C. Amongo, for receiving the “Most Outstanding Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer (Dr. Felix Maramba Sr. Award)”  award from the Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers, Inc. We are proud of you!


PRC board member visited CEAT-IABE

Hon. Sherwin Valdez, Board Member of the Professional Regulatory Board of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, visited the college to discuss CEAT-IABE’S application to PRC as CPD provider. (05 April 2022)

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CEAT 110th Founding Anniversary Awarding Ceremony

Congratulations to our #IABEmazing Awardees!

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Outstanding Agricultural and Biosystem Engineer from Higher Education Institutions

Congratulations to our beloved AMTEC Director, Dr. Arthur L. Fajardo, for receiving the “Outstanding Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer from Higher Education Institutions” award from the Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers, Inc.


IABE participated the 1st International Conference on Engineering and Agro-industrial Technology (iCEAT 2022)

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Graduate Program Revision Workshop

The Institute of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering conducted a Graduate Program Revision Workshop last 27 August 2021, via Zoom.

The IABE academic affairs committee presented the proposal to revise the graduate programs on MS and PhD

in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and MS in Agrometeorology.

(049) 536 8745

IABE Building, Pili Drive, University of the Philippines
Los Banos, College, Batong Malake, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines 4031


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