To provide leadership in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering by continually upgrading the ABE program, producing graduates with the highest all-around capabilities, spearheading state-of-the-art RDE, and being the model for other Agricultural Engineering schools in the country.


To become a premier institution of higher learning and a center of excellence in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering education, research and extension.

The Philippines is mainly agricultural and rural in nature, with 13 million hectares under intensive cultivation out of a total land area of 30 million hectares. Hence, although Agricultural Engineering is one of the oldest fields of engineering in the Philippines, it remains one of the most important areas of study. With the application of suitable upland farming and agricultural engineering technologies, cultivation of an additional 8 million hectares is possible.

The Institute of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (IABE) is the oldest and strongest engineering unit in UPLB in terms of instruction, research, and extension. It was established on April 17, 1997 during the 1107th Meeting of the UP Board of Regents to consolidate the Departments of Agricultural Machinery Engineering & Technology, Agricultural Process & Technology, Land & Water Resources, and Agrometeorology. The IABE aims to provide leadership by:

  • Continuous upgrading of the Agricultural Engineering (now Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering) program
  • Producing graduates with the highest all-around capabilities
  • Spearheading state-of-the-art RD&E
  • Being the nationwide model for other Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering schools

The IABE has earned several distinctions including recognition as a Center of Excellence in Agricultural Engineering Education, a Top Performing School in Agricultural Engineering, and a National Center for Agricultural Engineering RD&E. The IABE is also a member of the DOST Engineering Research & Development for Technology (ERDT) Consortium. Most recently, the Institute's BS Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering program has successfully completed the AUN-QA quality assessment at program level. The program is now accredited by the ASEAN University Network from 2015 to 2019.

The IABE is composed of four academic divisions. The academic divisions include the Agricultural, Food & Bioprocess Engineering Division (AFBED), the Agribiosystems Machinery and Power Engineering Division (AMPED), the  Agrometeorology, Bio-structures & Environment Engineering Division (ABSEED), and the Land & Water Resources Engineering Division (LWRED).

Click on the pictures below for more information on these IABE divisions.

(049) 536 8745

IABE Building, Pili Drive, University of the Philippines
Los Banos, College, Batong Malake, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines 4031


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