Batch 2022 Registration Advisers

1ABOTSTEPHEN JURI GABREILAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
2ALABANHANAH CHRISTINAAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
3ALINDAYOPATRICKAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
4ANDRADEJOHN ANDREIAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
5ANTONIOJOHN ALDRINAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
6APOLINARDHIAN ASHLEYAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
7ARAONICOLO PEDROAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
8AVELLANEDAAMIELAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
9BASICALCLARK WINSobremisana, Antonio Gabino P.[email protected]
10BENDAÑAEZEKIEL JESSEAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
11BONCATOJACKAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
12BUMANGILDRANELAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
13BUTARDODENNISE APRILAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
14CANCINOALWYNEAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
15CAPULONGGIANNE DHEYAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
16CASIBANGALEXANDRA GABRIELLEAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
17CENTINAJEDIO ANDREAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
18CLAVETRISHA MAEAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
19CRUZBRENT KENNETHAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
20CUEVASTIMOTHY JAMESAbellera, Kobe Conrad R.[email protected]
21DAGUMANLEIA MARGARETRanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
22DANGANANCHRISTIANRanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
23DE GUZMANGIAN KAILARanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
24DE JESUSDWIGHT JASPERRanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
25DEL MUNDOKYLA CHARIZERanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
26ESLABANANGEL HEARTRanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
27EUSTAQUIOJEM KYLERanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
28FERRERJONANILOVRanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
29GALIGAJOHN KENNETHRanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
30GARCIAANNA MONIQUERanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
31GARCIABENJAMIN ANGELORanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
32GARCIAMARY ROSERanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
33GONZALESVILLIAM CRISMARanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
34IMPERIALFRANK ANTOINERanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
35INGLESAUBREY LYKARanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
36JUNIOMHIKYLARanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
37LAGAYAGIAN LAWRENCERanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
38LEONARASPRECIOUS SHYNNERanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
39LISTANABERTRAND RUSSELRanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
40LOCSINDIEGORanches, Mark Angelo F.[email protected]
41LUCBANPRINCESS MARIANNEPascual, Mary Louise P.[email protected]
42LUPANGGOJUSTIN CODIPascual, Mary Louise P.[email protected]
43MARTIREZKENN ANDREIPascual, Mary Louise P.[email protected]
44MEGUISOWENDYPascual, Mary Louise P.[email protected]
45MENDOZAFroilan, MagadaManuel, Luther John R.[email protected]
46MUYARMICHAELLAManuel, Luther John R.[email protected]
47OCAMPOTRINA MURIELManuel, Luther John R.[email protected]
48ORGINADandrebManuel, Luther John R.[email protected]
49OSINSAODEARLY NIÑABorja, Adrian A.[email protected]
50PAGCULUKEBorja, Adrian A.[email protected]
51PAPAFRANCINE MAJELLABorja, Adrian A.[email protected]
52PINAZOMARTHA JADEFajardo, Arthur L.[email protected]
53PINEDAANNA MELISSAFajardo, Arthur L.[email protected]
54PISCOKAISER GABRIELLEFajardo, Arthur L.[email protected]
55PUENTESPINALORENZOFajardo, Arthur L.[email protected]
56RABANOROSALLY MAEGallegos, Ralph Kristoffer B.[email protected]
57RELLEVEKATRINAGallegos, Ralph Kristoffer B.[email protected]
58REYJHERMAINEGallegos, Ralph Kristoffer B.[email protected]
59REYESMAXIM JOYGallegos, Ralph Kristoffer B.[email protected]
60ROCHASTEVEN LEIGH MIGUELQuilloy, Erwin P.[email protected]
61ROMANOSTRAWBERRY KATYAQuilloy, Erwin P.[email protected]
62RUBIASMAILENEQuilloy, Erwin P.[email protected]
63SADSARINMISHAEL JUMVYQuilloy, Erwin P.[email protected]
64SALVANIAPAULINE ELYSSESobremisana, Antonio Gabino P.[email protected]
65SAMUYANEO XAVIERSobremisana, Antonio Gabino P.[email protected]
66SANTOSANDRE MIKHAILSobremisana, Antonio Gabino P.[email protected]
67SEMILLAJOHN CARLSobremisana, Antonio Gabino P.[email protected]
68SOLARESDENZELCasila, Joan Cecilia C.[email protected]
69SORIANOANNE JASMINECasila, Joan Cecilia C.[email protected]
70TUBIGANERICA CARYLLCasila, Joan Cecilia C.[email protected]
71VALDENARROLYSA MARIECasila, Joan Cecilia C.[email protected]
72VALDEZJULIA RAEDuka, Maurice A.[email protected]
73VALENCIACHESTER VONDuka, Maurice A.[email protected]
74VILLAROSAJAZMYN SHIENDuka, Maurice A.[email protected]

(049) 536 8745

IABE Building, Pili Drive, University of the Philippines
Los Banos, College, Batong Malake, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines 4031


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