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Undergraduate Courses
ABE 1 Fundamentals of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering I (3).
Weather elements; crop and livestock environment; soil and water management in agricultural production systems; institutional and legal aspects of water utilization. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. PHYS 3 and SOIL 1. (1,2)
ABE 48 Fundamentals of Surveying (3).
Surveying principles and applications; measurement of distances, elevations, directions and errors; profile and topographic surveying; earth- work calculations; land grading; elementary photogrammetry. 7 hrs (1 class, 6 lab). PR. ENSC 10a. (1, 2)
ABE 57 Field Hydrology (3).
Hydrologic processes and their interaction with the earth and atmosphere; streamflow hydrographs; hydrologic routing; probability in hydrology; water quality; mathematical models. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. COI (1, 2)
ABE 67 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering I (3).
Basic soil- plant-water relationships; flow measurements; selection and efficiency of pumps; planning and design of irrigation and drainage systems. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ABE 48 and ABE 57 (1,2)
ABE 77 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (3).
Design, construction and maintenance of water conservation works, drainage and erosion control facilities. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 comp.). PR. ABE 57. (1,2)
ABE 88 Aquaculture Engineering I (3).
Principles of planning aquaculture systems; layout of farm facilities. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ABE 57. (1)
MAJOR COURSES (Undergraduate)
LWRE 167 Irrigation and Drainage Engineering II (3).
Planning, design, layout, construction, operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ABE 67. (1) – PRESCRIBED
LWRE 177 Open Channel Hydraulics (3).
Flows in open channels; design of channels for uniform flow. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ENSC 16. (1)
LWRE 187 Water Control Structures (3).
Hydraulics of water control and measurement structures; criteria for selection and design of hydraulic structures; design structures; construction methods. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. LWRE 177 (2)
LWRE178 Principles of Tropical Water Quality Management (3).
Water quality problems and parameters; monitoring, control and management systems. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ABE 57 or COI. (2)
LWRE 179 Water Resources Planning (3).
Water and land re- sources requirements for planning of water and land development; alternative basin plans; economic and financial analysis. 3 hrs (class). PR. FPPS 183 or ECON 11nd ABE 77. (1)
LWRE 188 Aquaculture Engineering II (3).
Design, construction, operation and maintenance of aquaculture facilities. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ABE 88 and ABE 67 (2)
ABE 190 Special Problems (1-3).
May be taken twice provided that the total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. PR. COI. (1,2)
ABE 191 Special Topics (1-3).
May be taken twice provided that the total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. PR. COI. (1,2)
ABE 198 Internship (3).
May be taken twice provided that the total number of units to be credited to the student’s pro- gram will not exceed 4 units. PR. COI. (1,2,S)
ABE 200 Undergraduate Thesis (3-3) or (2-2-2). PR. COI. (1,2,S)
ABE 200a Practicum (3-3). PR. COI. (1,2,S)
(049) 536 8745
IABE Building, Pili Drive, University of the Philippines
Los Banos, College, Batong Malake, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines 4031